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Conversion copywriting services for
SaaS, Finance, and Fintech

Myth: Your product is too complex to explain quickly

Fact: Your website should sell while you sleep

Conversion copywriting services use proven methods to improve your website copy. My process is client-oriented and results-oriented. So you’ll get deliverables that respond to your needs. I support you in achieving the conversion results your business deserves.


Founders, CEOs, & Entrepreneurs

You want an on-brand, engaging website that clearly explains your company’s value and drives revenue.

Hire a reliable copywriter (me) for a rewrite that generates ready-to-buy leads — no one-template-fits-all fixes.

Eliminate blandness and convert your ideal customer.

Marketing Teams

You want your website to convert high-quality leads and drive business growth.

Hire a conversion-focused copywriter (me) for a rewrite that increases sales — no hand-holding needed.

Improve your conversion metrics without DIY crash courses.


1-800Accountant Logo
Kim Logsdon Financial Consulting Logo
SuiteFiles Logo

Conversion Copywriting Services


Website copywriting

How it works:

1. Kickoff: Your goals & expectations guide the project

2. Research:

Here’s what I’ll do:

  • Deeply understand your business and your target customer
  • Conduct interviews and/or surveys with you and your customers
  • Connect your audience’s needs with the value you offer

3. Write, Wireframe, & Edit:

  • I’ll use proven conversion-focused copywriting strategies to:
    • Engage your ideal customer
    • Clearly explain the value you offer
    • Overcome your visitors’ objections
    • Guide high-quality leads to saying yes
  • I’ll wireframe your new website copy to help you visualize the words on your page

4. Validate & Optimize:

Here’s what I’ll do:

  • Collaborate with your designer to implement your new website copy for optimal user experience
  • Track your conversion metrics
  • Measure your new website’s performance
  • Test & revise for continuous improvement 

What you get: An on-brand website that speaks to high-quality leads and convinces your target customer to say yes.

Unlimited revisions for 30 days


Web Copy Audit

How it works:

1. Kickoff: You’ll fill out a 10-question intake form to share:

  • Your website goals & expectations
  • URLs of the specific pages you want me to audit
  • (Optional) Competitors’ websites

2. Confirmation: Within 2 business days, I’ll send you a second email to provide transaction instructions for your investment. Your audit begins when the transaction is complete.  

3. Audit: Within 4 business days, I’ll deliver a written assessment with recommendations. You can also schedule a 30-minute Q&A. 

What you get: A written assessment with actionable tips you can apply throughout your page. You’ll get a discussion of:

  • Trust factors
  • Headline, crosshead, & button copy effectiveness
  • Brand voice consistency
  • Clarity & readability
  • Ways you can improve your web copy now

Investment: 247 USD per page


Email Marketing

How it works:

1. Kickoff: Your goals & expectations guide the project

2. Research:

Here’s what I’ll do:

  • Deeply understand your business and your target customer
  • Conduct interviews and/or surveys with you and your customers
  • Connect your audience’s needs with the value you offer

3. Plan, Write, & Edit

  • I’ll use proven conversion-focused copywriting strategies to:
    • Engage your ideal customer
    • Clearly explain the value you offer
    • Overcome visitors’ objections
    • Guide high-quality leads to saying yes
  • I’ll plan and lightly wireframe your emails to help you visualize the sequence

4. Implement & Validate:

Here’s what I’ll do:

  • Track delivery, open rate, & click-through metrics
  • A/B test & tweak email copy as needed
  • Create an action plan for future tracking

What you get: A sales, nurture, or onboarding email sequence that engages high-quality leads and convinces your target customer to say yes.

Attract real people to your website. Not just bots.

Hire a conversion copywriter who you can rely on to:

Ask the right questions

Conduct deep research

Write copy that reflects your brand

When you work with me, you’re not working with a get-rich-quick side hustler. You’re working with a reliable professional. My diverse background means I’ll quickly get up to speed on your business.

No hand-holding required.

Don’t worry: You won’t need to guide me through your project. I follow a proven process for writing conversion-focused copy. Each project follows repeatable steps.

That means I’m not guessing – and you’re not left wondering what comes next.

10x Web Copy Certification - Copyhackers - conversion copywriting
10x Pricing Pages Certification - Copyhackers - conversion copywriting
10x Emails Certification - Copyhackers - conversion copywriting
Master of About Pages Certification - Copyhackers - Conversion copywriting
Certified SaaS Copywriter Badge - Copyhackers - conversion copywriting
Master of Brand Voice Certification - Copyhackers - Conversion copywriting

Get more conversions

Schedule a 15-minute introductory call

What happens next?

You’ll tell me about your goals over Zoom (or a phone call, if you prefer). And we’ll decide whether we would be a good fit.

If so, we’ll schedule an in-depth project discussion. Then I’ll follow up with a personalized project proposal to explain how I’ll help you achieve your goals.

Conversion copywriting follows a proven process based on studies in human decision-making.

This is what I’ll do:

Conduct research to understand your business & target customers.

Write copy that helps your prospects see the value your business offers.

Act as your strategic business partner throughout implementation and validation.

Work toward the KPIs that matter most to you.

The highlight of my approach?

You get to be as hands-off as you like. I’ll lead the research, writing, & editing process. So you get to focus on your business.

I’ll work with your team through the review and approval of the copy. And I’ll collaborate with your designer on implementation — you don’t have to play the middleman.

P.S. For a low-risk introductory project, consider a web copy audit — you’ll get optimization tips you can implement right away. And you can decide whether you would like to work together in the future. Fill out the 9-question intake form here.

“So you do trademarks and stuff?”

Nope, this doesn’t have anything to do with legal copyrighting.

And some other common questions:

How do I know your services will work for my business?

Your business can benefit from conversion copywriting services if: 

Your offer has product-market fit. (Meaning: your solution meets a real demand in the market.)

You know your website represents an investment in your business.

You understand conversion copywriting relies on a proven, repeatable process.

You’re open to changing your website design to improve conversions.

I’m ready to schedule a call. What happens next?

Great! Please schedule a 15-minute introductory call. We’ll talk through your needs and goals, budget, and timing.

After the introductory call: I’ll email you a summary of our conversation and next steps. If your business is a good fit, I’ll send you a personalized project proposal.

Depending on your deadline and my availability, I can get started on your project within the next 2-4 weeks.

What is your hourly rate?

You get maximum transparency with fees by project – that’s why I don’t charge by hour or word. Each project varies in complexity, novelty, and length.

During our introductory call, we’ll talk through your needs and goals. Then you’ll get a written proposal with detailed project expectations and total investment. You’ll know exactly what to expect before we start.

I need a new website tomorrow. When can you start?

The best conversion copywriting results rely on research… which takes time. Your website rewrite won’t perform as well if you rely on shortcuts or squish the project timing. 

However, if you’re looking for quick tips you can implement right away, fill out a web copy audit intake form. You can see what to expect here.

How long will my project take?

Each project’s timing depends on content, length, and complexity. Typical project timing:

  • Website copywriting: 4-6 weeks
  • Web copy audits: 2-4 business days
  • Email sequences: 2-3 weeks
  • Content marketing: 2-5 weeks

Have an urgent need? Let’s talk about scheduling a one-on-one consulting session.

Which payment methods can I use?

Good news — you can use any electronic payment method you like! (As a friend to the environment, I don’t accept payment via paper mail.)

Let’s talk about your preferences during our introductory call. 

What is a copywriter?

Copywriters write words (aka copy) for marketing materials. Depending on the writer’s niche, the material could include advertising, social media posts, blog posts, sales pages, or email marketing. Copywriters help businesses engage and educate readers.

What is conversion copywriting?

Conversion copywriters rely on in-depth research to understand a target audience’s desires and motivations. This research uncovers voice-of-customer data and supports conversion-focused content. 

The goal? To get readers to take a specific action, like signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, or commenting on a post.

Can you write my website to match the design?

Conversion copywriting should lead the design on the page. I’ll collaborate with your designer to implement the copy. So you get the most effective conversion-focused website.